Authors: W Loveland
Publish Date: 2015/07/28
Volume: 307, Issue: 3, Pages: 1591-1594
We prepare high quality actinide targets for studies of neutroninduced and chargedparticleinduced fission I report on our efforts to measure fragment energy loss in the target backings and to diagnose the “crud” problem frequently found in 248Cm and 252Cf sources and targets I discuss the preparation of multiisotopic targets for the FissionTPC and our efforts to measure the pointing resolution of this device The issues of target uniformity chemical composition and radiation stability of the targets are discussed along with problems of high/low specific activity regions in a single targetThe work described in this manuscript represents the efforts of a number of graduate students Mary Leonard Larry Yao Spencer Barrett and Jonathan King who have assisted in our target making program This work was supported in part by the US Dept of Energy Office of Science Office of Nuclear Physics under Grant DEFG0697ER41026 and the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory funding for the FissionTPC project