Authors: Shunyan Ning Qing Zou Xinpeng Wang Ruiqin Liu Yuezhou Wei Yaping Zhao Youqian Ding
Publish Date: 2015/06/20
Volume: 307, Issue: 2, Pages: 993-999
A silica/polymerbased CABTP/SiO2–P adsorbent was prepared to separate minor actinides and some key radionuclides from HLLW The adsorption properties of CABTP/SiO2–P toward 238UVI 239PuIV 241AmIII 99TcVII 152EuIII and some typical fission products were studied CABTP/SiO2–P stability against γradiation was also evaluated It found CABTP/SiO2–P showed very poor adsorption abilities toward UVI and most experimental FPs while CABTP/SiO2–P exhibited higher adsorption abilities toward 241AmIII 239PuIV and 99TcVII in 05–1 M HNO3 solution Moreover dry CABTP/SiO2–P demonstrated no instability when the radiation dose was up to 161 kGy CABTP/SiO2–P adsorbent is a potential candidate for separating 241AmIII 239PuIV and 99TcVII from HLLWThis study was carried out under the support of National Natural Science Foundation with the Project No 91126006 No11305102 and the support of the Ministry of Education of Specialized Research Fund for the Doctoral Program of Higher Education with the Project No 20130073110046