Authors: KwangWook Kim InTae Kim GeunII Park HwanSeo Park EilHee Lee EungHo Kim
Publish Date: 2007/10/13
Volume: 275, Issue: 3, Pages: 595-604
A new twostep process was investigated to treat LiCl molten salt waste containing volatile radionuclides generated from an electrometallurgical processing pyroprocessing of spent oxide fuels First the chemical form of the soluble LiCl waste was transformed into a chloridefree and less soluble hydroxide compound by an electrochemical method where an electrolytic dechlorination was performed without adding any chemical salt Then a gelation process of the chemical formchanged Li compound named gelroute stabilization/solidification GRSS system aimed to reduce the volatility of the radionuclides greatly was introduced to stabilize/solidify the hydroxide salt wastes The application of the electrochemical dechlorination/transformation process and the subsequent gelroute stabilization process to treat the soluble LiCl salt wastes was found to be effective