Authors: Tatyana S Baptista Marcelo M Redígolo Cibele B Zamboni Ivone M Sato Jose R Marcelino
Publish Date: 2011/06/29
Volume: 291, Issue: 2, Pages: 399-403
The World Health Organization states that envenomation is responsible for a high number of deaths per year especially in equatorial areas The only effective specific treatment is the use of hyperimmune serum antivenom In Brazil Crioula breed horses are used for antivenom production with great importance in the maintenance of public health programs A strict biochemical and metabolic control is required to attain specificity in antiserum Inorganic elements represent only a small fraction of whole blood Nonetheless they play important roles in mammalian metabolism being responsible for controlling enzymatic reactions respiratory and cardiac functions and ageing In this work whole blood samples from Crioula breed horses were analyzed by EDXRF technique The reference interval values were determined for the elements Na 1955–2013 μg g−1 Mg 51–75 μg g−1 P 523–555 μg g−1 S 1628–1730 μg g−1 Cl 2388–2574 μg g−1 K 1649–1852 μg g−1 Ca 202–213 μg g−1 Cu 41–45 μg g−1 and Zn 24–28 μg g−1 and a comparative study with NAA results was outlined The samples were obtained from Instituto Butantan Both techniques showed to be appropriate for whole blood sample analyses and offer a new perspective in Veterinary Medicine