Authors: Ľ Vrtoch M Pipíška M Horník J Augustín J Lesný
Publish Date: 2010/09/21
Volume: 287, Issue: 3, Pages: 853-862
In order to gain biosorbent that would have the ability to bind cesium ions from water solution effectively potassium nickel hexacyanoferrateII KNiFC was incorporated into the mushroom biomass of Agaricus bisporus Cesium sorption by KNIFCmodified A bisporus biosorbent was observed in batch system using radiotracer technique using 137Cs radioisotope Kinetic study showed that the cesium sorption was quite rapid and sorption equilibrium was attained within 1 h Sorption kinetics of cesium was well described by pseudosecond order kinetics Sorption equilibrium was the best described by Freundlich isotherm and the distribution coefficient was at interval 7662–159 cm3 g−1 Cesium sorption depended on initial pH of solution Cesium sorption was very low at pH0 10–30 At initial pH 110 maximum sorption of cesium was found Negative effect of monovalent K+ Na+ NH4 + and divalent Ca2+ Mg2+ cations on cesium sorption was observed Desorption experiments showed that 01 M potassium chloride is the most suitable desorption agent but the complete desorption of cesium ions from KNiFCmodifed biosorbent was not achieved