Authors: P Sivakumar S Meenakshi S V Mohan R V Subba Rao M Venkataraman
Publish Date: 2011/11/03
Volume: 294, Issue: 1, Pages: 93-96
The spent fuel from Fast Breeder Test Reactor of various burnups from 25 to 155 GWd/te is being reprocessed in CORAL COmpact Reprocessing of Advanced fuels in Lead shielded cell using a modified PUREX Plutonium Uranium Recovery by EXtraction process Total plutonium Pu238 239 240 241 242 concentration in the sample is analysed by HTTA Thenoyl Trifluoro Acetone extraction method wherever interference from other alpha emitting nuclides Raffinate and bulk natural uranium uranium products are present as reported by Milyukov et al Analytical chemistry of plutonium 1967 and Natarajan and Subba Rao BARC pp 38–43 2007 This method requires the addition of corrosive reagents such as NH2OHHCl which is a problem in waste disposal for reduction A saltfree reagent such as Hydroxyurea is studied as a reducing agent which has the ability to reduce both PuVI and PuIV to PuIII as reported by Zhaowu 2603601–606 2004 and Zhaowu 2623707–711 2004 PuIII thus formed can be easily oxidised to PuIV by NaNO2 for the extraction of Pu by HTTAAuthors express their sincere thanks to Shri R Natarajan Director Reprocessing Group for his keen interest and constant encouragement throughout the work The contribution of Shri Ananthanarayanan Ms Anusree and Ms Bhavya of Chemical Lab Reprocessing Group is gratefully acknowledged