Authors: Ferenc Szelecsényi Zoltán Kovács Kotaro Nagatsu MingRong Zhang Kazutosi Suzuki
Publish Date: 2015/10/15
Volume: 307, Issue: 3, Pages: 1877-1881
Excitation function for the natGddxn155Tb and natGddn161Tb nuclear reactions were measured using the standard stackedfoil activation technique in the deuteron energy range of 30 MeV down to 42 MeV The measured crosssection data were compared not only with the earlier reported experimental values but also with the results of a theoretical model as well Integral yields for155 Tb and161Tb and for their contaminating radioisotopes were also deduced to evaluate the production circumstances The results revealed that the investigated radioisotopes can not be produced in nocarrieradded form via deuteron way even using 100 enriched targets 155Gd and 160Gd