Authors: Hans Postma Luc Amkreutz Alessandro Borella Martijn Clarijs Hans Kamermans Winfried Kockelmann Anna Paradowska Peter Schillebeeckx Dirk Visser
Publish Date: 2009/12/03
Volume: 283, Issue: 3, Pages: 641-652
Two neutron based techniques neutron resonance capture analysis NRCA and timeofflight neutrondiffraction TOFND have been used to determine the elemental composition and structure of a precious and very well preserved allmetal sword from the Bronze Age This Buggenum sword was on loan from the National Museum of Antiquities NMA in Leiden NL NRCA and TOFND experiments have been carried out at a number of more or less identical positions of the sword The tinbronze ratio and the relative amounts of some minor elements Sb As Ag In have been determined The results of neutron diffraction measurements showed considerable tinsegregation and clear indications of hardening on the edges of the blade In addition radiographs using Bremsstrahlung revealed the construction of the hilt–blade connection The work was carried out at the EC Joint Research Centre IRMM in Geel B and at the ISIS facility of the Rutherford Appleton Laboratory UKWe like to thank JC Drohe R Wynants and J Van Gils for their technical support during the measurements at the GELINA facility of IRMM in Geel B We are very grateful for the loan of the Buggenum sword from the National Museum of Antiquities in Leiden NL and we like to sincerely thank Steph Scholten NMA for his interest in this project We thank E Godfrey for valuable discussions on the interpretation of the diffraction analysis results This study has been financial supported and carried out as part of the EU FP6 Ancient Charm project funded by the European Commission under the contract no 15311