Authors: Moumita Maiti Kaustab Ghosh Susanta Lahiri
Publish Date: 2014/11/01
Volume: 303, Issue: 3, Pages: 2033-2040
A natCo target was irradiated with 47 MeV 7Li beam to produce nocarrieradded 61Cu 62Zn in the target matrix Two new green radiochemical methods were developed for separation of 61Cu and 62Zn from the target matrix i liquid–liquid extraction LLX technique using room temperature ionic liquid RTIL 1butyl3methylimidazolium hexafluorophosphate C4mimPF6 and ammonium pyrrolidinedithiocarbamate APDC ii adsorption on calcium alginate beadsWe are thankful to BARCTIFR Pelletron staff for their help and cooperation during the experiment The financial support of the SINPDAE 12 five year plan project “Trace Ultratrace Analysis and Isotope Production TULIP” is gratefully acknowledged KG is thankful to the Council of Scientific and Industrial Research CSIR for providing necessary fellowship