Authors: C Ineza C Naidoo C Vermeulen J Mphahlele
Publish Date: 2014/04/18
Volume: 301, Issue: 1, Pages: 227-236
This paper describes a new method for the production of 103Pd and 109Cd using the 66 MeV proton beam of iThemba LABS on a tandem natural silver target Ag/Ag The radiochemical separation of the Pd radionuclides 103Pd 100Pd from the bulk natAg was done using a Chelex100 chelating resin column The recovery of 103Pd from the irradiated natAg target was found to be 98 without any Ag or Rh impurities detected The radiochemical separation of 109Cd from the bulk natAg target was done by the precipitation of Ag ions by Cu followed by the separation of 109Cd traces of Ag Cu2+ and Rh using a AG1X10 anion exchange resin column The recovery yield of 109Cd was 99 without any Ag or Rh impurities detectedWe are indebted to the Organization for Women in Science for the Developing World OWSDW Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency Sida and iThemba LABSNational Research Foundation iTLNRF for their financial Likewise the UNESCO UNISA Africa Chair is acknowledged for the administrative assistance