Authors: R B Gujar S A Ansari M S Murali P K Mohapatra V K Manchanda
Publish Date: 2010/02/27
Volume: 284, Issue: 2, Pages: 377-385
Extraction behaviour of actinides lanthanides fission products and structural elements has been studied with the two diglycolamide extractants namely NNN′N′tetra2ethylhexyl diglycolamide T2EHDGA and NNN′N′tetraoctyl diglycolamide TODGA The acid extraction studies suggested that T2EHDGA KH 18 is less basic as compared to its linear homologue TODGA KH 41 The distribution ratio of AmIII by 01 M diglycolamides followed the order TODGA T2EHDGA The number of ligand molecules present in the stoichiometry of the extracted species of AmIII was found to be three and four for T2EHDGA and TODGA respectively Thermodynamics studies suggested that the extraction of AmIII by both the extractants is exothermic in nature The radiolytic stability of TODGA and T2EHDGA solutions in ndodecane has been investigated Due to lower distribution ratio of Am by T2EHDGA 02 M of its solution has been used as compared to 01 M solution of TODGA The distribution behaviour of various metal ions viz Am Nd Fe Mo Cr Sr and Cs has been studied from nitric acid as well as from simulated high level waste solution