Authors: Luc Schuler Yves Jouanneau Sinéad M Ní Chadhain Christine Meyer Maria Pouli Gerben J Zylstra Pascal Hols Spiros N Agathos
Publish Date: 2009/01/27
Volume: 83, Issue: 3, Pages: 465-475
Sphingomonas sp strain LH128 was isolated from a polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon PAHcontaminated soil using phenanthrene as the sole source of carbon and energy A dioxygenase complex phnA1fA2f encoding the α and β subunit of a terminal dioxygenase responsible for the initial attack on PAHs was identified and isolated from this strain PhnA1f showed 98 78 and 78 identity to the α subunit of PAH dioxygenase from Novosphingobium aromaticivorans strain F199 Sphingomonas sp strain CHY1 and Sphingobium yanoikuyae strain B1 respectively When overexpressed in Escherichia coli PhnA1fA2f was able to oxidize lowmolecularweight PAHs chlorinated biphenyls dibenzopdioxin and the highmolecularweight PAHs benzaanthracene chrysene and pyrene The action of PhnA1fA2f on benzaanthracene produced two benzaanthracene dihydrodiolsLS gratefully acknowledges the Fund for the Promotion of Research in Industry and Agriculture FRIA Belgium for providing a doctoral fellowship LS also wishes to thank the members of the Unit of Physiological Biochemistry FYSA Catholic University of Louvain for their daily help and constructive remarks for many years PH is a research associate at the Belgian National Fund for Scientific Research FNRS