Authors: HyunSoo Kim NaRae Kim Jungwoo Yang Wonja Choi
Publish Date: 2011/05/10
Volume: 91, Issue: 4, Pages: 1159-1172
Saccharomyces cerevisiae strains tolerant to ethanol and heat stresses are important for industrial ethanol production In this study five strains Tn 1–5 tolerant to up to 15 ethanol were isolated by screening a transposonmediated mutant library Two of them displayed tolerance to heat 42 °C The determination of transposon insertion sites and Northern blot analysis identified seven putative genes CMP2 IMD4 SSK2 PPG1 DLD3 PAM1 and MSN2 and revealed simultaneous downregulations of CMP2 and IMD4 and SSK2 and PPG1 downregulation of DLD3 and disruptions of the open reading frame of PAM1 and MSN2 indicating that ethanol and/or heat tolerance can be conferred Knockout mutants of these seven individual genes were ethanol tolerant and three of them SSK2 PPG1 and PAM1 were tolerant to heat Such tolerant phenotypes reverted to sensitive phenotypes by the autologous or overexpression of each gene Five transposon mutants showed higher ethanol production and grew faster than the control strain when cultured in rich media containing 30 glucose and initial 6 ethanol at 30 °C Of those two thermotolerant transposon mutants Tn 2 and Tn 3 exhibited significantly enhanced growth and ethanol production compared to the control at 42 °C The genes identified in this study may provide a basis for the application in developing industrial yeast strainsThis work was supported by the Pioneer Research Center Program through the National Research Foundation of Korea funded by the Ministry of Education Science and Technology No 20090081512 HyunSoo Kim was supported by RPGrant 2010 of Ewha Womans University Special thanks to Dr WanKee Kim for helpful discussions