Authors: I Hui Lee Yen Kuang Yang Po See Chen Hui Chun Huang Tzung Lieh Yeh RuBand Lu NanTsing Chiu Wei Jen Yao ShihHsien Lin
Publish Date: 2010/11/12
Volume: 214, Issue: 3, Pages: 617-624
Although loudness dependence of auditory evoked potentials LDAEPs had been suggested as a noninvasive measure of central serotonin functions recent studies suggest that LDAEP may be modulated by multiple neuromodulatory systems such as dopamine Here we explore the relationship between LDAEP and dopamine and serotonin in the level of monoamine transporter availabilityThe authors gratefully acknowledge Yao Ting Ko Pei Yi Shih Yu Wei Wang Tsai Hua Chang and Chien Ting Lin for their invaluable support The study was supported by grants from the Atomic Energy Council and the National Science Council of Taiwan NSC93Nu7006004 NSC932314B006107 and NCS952314B006115MY2