Authors: MingTao Yang DaiHua Lu JuiChing Chen WenMei Fu
Publish Date: 2015/07/31
Volume: 232, Issue: 20, Pages: 3763-3772
SHRs and Wistar Kyoto rats at 6 to 8 weeks of age were pretreated with intraperitoneal injections of acetazolamide and methazolamide both carbonic anhydrase inhibitors before the behavior tests The openfield locomotion test and the electrofoot shock aversive water drinking test were then applied to quantify their hyperactivity and impulsivity respectively The Morris water maze test on the other hand monitored their spatial learningAcetazolamide and methazolamide significantly inhibited the hyperactivity of SHRs but had no effects in Wistar Kyoto rats Acetazolamide also inhibited the impulsivity of SHRs Low doses of acetazolamide had the greater inhibitory effects on the hyperactivity and impulsivity but did not impair the spatial learning of SHRsThis is the first study to show that carbonic anhydrase inhibitors can strainspecifically antagonize the hyperactivity and impulsivity of SHRs Under a low dose of acetazolamide there was no cognition impairment in SHRs Carbonic anhydrase inhibitors may be the novel drugs for treatment for patients with ADHDPhotograph of electrofoot shock aversive water drinking test EFSDT apparatus The black Plexiglas box is divided into three compartments start area water area and free area During the testing phase day 3 an electrofoot shock 2 mA 05 s from the stimulator was given whenever the rats licked water from the bottle for at least 5 s Details of the apparatus and experimental protocol are described in the “Methods” section GIF 66 kb