Authors: Gabriela Bezerra de Menezes Evandro Silva Freire Coutinho Leonardo F Fontenelle Paula Vigne Ivan Figueira Márcio Versiani
Publish Date: 2010/12/22
Volume: 215, Issue: 1, Pages: 1-11
We performed a systematic review and metaanalysis of all doubleblind randomized controlled clinical trials involving secondgeneration antidepressants in adult patients with SAD published on PubMed/MEDLINE PsycINFO and Current Controlled Trials databases until July 2009 Our analyses were based on changes in Liebowitz Social Anxiety Scale LSAS Clinical Global Impression CGI and standardized mean difference SMDTwentyseven controlled clinical trials comprising ten different SGA were selected When comparing the reduction of LSAS scores the group receiving active drugs showed a significantly greater reduction compared to those observed in the placebo group pooled weighted mean −119 IC 95 −145 to −94 The combined relative risk RR for the different drugs revealed a 62 increase in treatment response final CGI ≤2 for those using SGAs compared to those receiving placebo RR 162 95 CI 144–181 The combined SMD for the SGAs was −043 IC 95 −049 to −037