Authors: Amir Krivoy Ran D Balicer Becca Feldman Moshe Hoshen Gil Zalsman Abraham Weizman Gal Shoval
Publish Date: 2015/06/21
Volume: 232, Issue: 18, Pages: 3385-3390
Substantial differences in the mean adherence to AD were noted throughout the lifespan ranging from 038 first decade to 063 tenth decade Average adherence was significantly higher for males aged 20–40 years than for females of that age but this relationship reversed later in life 50–70 years A regression analysis model of adherence as the dependent variable showed a significant interaction between age and gender variables beta = 0001 p 00001This study demonstrates the effect of age and gender and their interaction on adherence to AD across the entire life span The marked age and modest yet significant genderrelated effects should be taken into consideration when targeting impaired adherence to these commonly prescribed medications