Authors: R L CarhartHarris M Kaelen M G Whalley M Bolstridge A Feilding D J Nutt
Publish Date: 2014/09/23
Volume: 232, Issue: 4, Pages: 785-794
Ten healthy volunteers were administered with intravenous iv LSD 40–80 μg in a withinsubject placebocontrolled design Suggestibility and cued mental imagery were assessed using the Creative Imagination Scale CIS and a mental imagery test MIT CIS and MIT items were split into two versions A and B balanced for ‘efficacy’ ie A≈B and counterbalanced across conditions ie 50 completed version ‘A’ under LSD The MIT and CIS were issued 110 and 140 min respectively postinfusion corresponding with the peak drug effectsVolunteers gave significantly higher ratings for the CIS p = 0018 but not the MIT p = 011 after LSD than placebo The magnitude of suggestibility enhancement under LSD was positively correlated with trait conscientiousness measured at baseline p = 00005These results imply that the influence of suggestion is enhanced by LSD Enhanced suggestibility under LSD may have implications for its use as an adjunct to psychotherapy where suggestibility plays a major role That cued imagery was unaffected by LSD implies that suggestions must be of a sufficient duration and level of detail to be enhanced by the drug The results also imply that individuals with high trait conscientiousness are especially sensitive to the suggestibilityenhancing effects of LSDThis research received financial and intellectual support from the Beckley Foundation and was conducted as part of a wider BeckleyImperial research programme This report presents independent research carried out at the NIHR/Wellcome Trust Imperial Clinical Research Facility The views expressed are those of the authors and not necessarily those of the NHS the NIHR or the Department of Health The authors are grateful to Devin Terhune David Luke and Jamie Ward for advising on the inclusion of the MODTAS and OSIVQ and to Neiloufar Family for her help with managing the research