Authors: Angélica CibriánJaramillo Thomas E Marler Rob DeSalle Eric D Brenner
Publish Date: 2007/11/16
Volume: 9, Issue: 4, Pages: 1051-1054
We developed a set of 12 ESTmicrosatellite markers ESTSTRs from Cycas rumphii Miq and tested them on an ex situ collection of the endangered Cycas micronesica KD Hill The number of alleles per locus in both species ranged from 1 to 15 Observed and expected heterozygosities ranged from 0000 to 0842 and 0000 to 0883 respectively All primers amplified in four additional Cycas species These markers are the first genomeenabled tools for cycad population level studies and are now available to inform conservation efforts and disentangle the biogeographic history of the genusWe are grateful to D Little and D Stevenson for collecting all but Cycas micronesica samples and the Florida Montgomery Botanical Center for kindly providing them We also thank Venkatesh Alapati and Helen Ma for their contribution in the processing of the samples This research was supported by the US Department of Agriculture CSREES Award 20063413517141