Authors: Hua Wu XiangJiang Zhan Li Yan ShaoYing Liu Ming Li JinChu Hu FuWen Wei
Publish Date: 2008/02/15
Volume: 9, Issue: 6, Pages: 1691-1693
We describe the isolation and characterization of 14 microsatellite loci in the striped field mouse from genomic DNAenriched libraries in this paper The 14 new loci were tested in 24 individuals from four populations in Southwest China These loci were highly polymorphic with numbers of alleles per locus ranging from 6 to 14 and expected heterozygosities from 0789 to 0925 All loci followed Hardy–Weinberg expectations except SFM4 SFM11 and SFM13 loci No significant linkage association was found among all loci The 14 novel polymorphic microsatellite loci will be useful in studying phylogeography and population genetics of the striped field mouseThis study was supported by projects of the National Basic Research Program of China 973 Program 2007CB411600 National Natural Science Foundation of China No30620130432 and CAS 100 Talent Programme We thank Dr Qiong Zhang and YanLi Hao for their valuable technical advice