Authors: Martina Prelog Daniela Schiefecker Manfred Fille Reinhard Wurzner Andrea Brunner Lothar Bernd Zimmerhackl
Publish Date: 2008/01/12
Volume: 23, Issue: 4, Pages: 597-
The aim of this study was to characterize the pathogens and their antibiotic susceptibilities in defined groups of children total number 694 with urinary tract infection UTI regarding age first UTI FUTI or recurrent UTI RUTI renal abnormalities or vesicoureteric reflux VUR in order to optimize empirical antibiotic therapy and prophylaxis In patients aged between 1 month and 24 months with a first febrile UTI FUTI n = 205 the leading pathogen was Escherichia coli E coli 834 In comparison with patients with FUTI those with RUTI n = 24 had more Enterococcus and Enterobacter infections and higher resistance rates of E coli against trimethoprim TMP trimethoprim/sulfamethoxazole SXT or ampicillin AMP Boys with ultrasounddetected renal abnormalities n = 71 showed 142 Pseudomonas and 591 E coli infections versus girls n = 48 21 Pseudomonas and 937 E coli Of 390 patients who underwent voiding cystourethrography 315 had VUR Of them 455 received antimicrobial prophylaxis with SXT n = 30 or cefazolin n = 26 There was no difference between girls n = 242 and boys n = 148 regarding the frequency of VUR and pathogens There were more TMP and SXTresistant E coli cultures from patients with VUR 378 than from those without VUR 258 Treatment with TMP SXT and AMP alone appeared to be insufficient in many cases because of high resistance rates of E coli and other uropathogens