Authors: Arpitha Chiruvolu William D Engle Dorothy Sendelbach M Denise Manning Gregory L Jackson
Publish Date: 2008/01/25
Volume: 23, Issue: 4, Pages: 569-574
Since noting an apparent increase in hypocalcemia in neonates receiving gentamicin every 24 h q 24 h for ≥ 4 days we have prospectively monitored serum calcium Ca values in these patients receiving prolonged gentamicin therapy This study is a retrospective analysis of those values measured during gentamicin treatment The study included neonates with gestational age ≥ 35 weeks who received ≥ 4 days of gentamicin therapy and in whom at least one serum Ca value was measured ≥ 47 h after initiation of therapy Hypocalcemia was defined as a serum Ca level 8 mg/dl 2 mmol/l Data were analyzed by Student ttest chisquare test and Pearson product moment correlation There were 1624 neonates that met the study criteria Ca was 8 mg/dl in 241 15 Ca 8 mg/dl was more likely in boys than in girls 164 vs 118 P = 001 and in neonates 37 weeks gestational age GA than in those ≥ 37 weeks GA 239 vs 141 P = 001 A second Ca value was obtained in 883 neonates 54 232 of neonates with initial Ca 8 mg/dl remained hypocalcemic and 30 of these were receiving oral Ca supplementation The second Ca value was 8 mg/dl in eight neonates in whom initial Ca was ≥ 8 mg/dl Hypocalcemia is not uncommon in neonates receiving gentamicin therapy and it may occur more frequently in boys and latepreterm infants These data suggest that the monitoring of serum Ca levels should be considered when gentamicin is given ≥ 4 days