Authors: Kathrin Buder Helene Werner Markus A Landolt Thomas J Neuhaus Guido F Laube Giuseppina Spartà
Publish Date: 2016/04/05
Volume: 31, Issue: 6, Pages: 1035-1037
In the legends of Table 2 footnote c Table 4 footnote c and Table 5 footnote b the term “Cronbach’s α” was wrongly mentioned Instead the indicated values refer to the effect size according to Cohen’s d Also in all three of these tables a large effect is indicated by a Cohen’s d 080 rather than 80In Table 4 the wrong superscript indicating which statistical test was applied – was used in two places Comparison of maternal and paternal mental health scores with normative data was tested by using onesample t tests the comparison of mothers’ and fathers’ mental health scores was tested by using Wilcoxon signedrank tests