Authors: Brankica SpasojevićDimitrijeva Maja Živković Aleksandra Stanković Ljiljana Stojković Mirjana Kostić
Publish Date: 2010/07/15
Volume: 25, Issue: 10, Pages: 2099-2106
Urinary tract infections UTI are common in infants and children and may result in serious complications such as renal scarring hypertension and renal failure Identification of the new markers in relation to acute pyelonephritis APN and its treatment is essential for designing interventions that would minimize tissue damage This prospective study investigated the first UTI infection in 71 children age range 1–24 months in respect to interleukin6 IL6 −174G/C polymorphism and renal scarring The patients were divided into an APN group and a lower UTI group according to dimercaptosuccinic acid DMSA The IL6 −174G/C genotypes were determined by tetraprimer ARMSPCR Serum IL6 was significantly higher in the APN group than in the group with lower UTI p 005 In both groups the −174G/C genotype and allele frequencies did not differ significantly from the control group The highest white blood cell WBC count was observed in the CC genotype p 005 A nonsignificant trend toward higher serum IL6 was observed in children with CC genotype On followup DMSA imaging performed 6 months later renal scarring was detected in 369 of APN children We did not find the significant association of IL6 −174G/C polymorphism with APN and/or postinfectious renal scarring These results indicate that serum IL6 concentrations were significantly higher in children with APN than in patients with lower UTI