Authors: R T Ribeiro W W Lautt D J Legare M P Macedo
Publish Date: 2005/04/14
Volume: 48, Issue: 5, Pages: 976-983
A considerable proportion of wholebody insulinstimulated glucose uptake is dependent upon the hepatic insulinsensitising substance HISS in a pathway mediated by the hepatic parasympathetic nerves HPNs We tested the hypothesis that a highsucrose diet leads to the impairment of the HPNdependent component of insulin actionInsulin sensitivity was higher in standardfed than in sucrosefed Wistar rats 3056±341 vs 1939±137 mg glucose/kg body weight p0005 and Sprague–Dawley rats 1964±59 vs 955±163 mg glucose/kg body weight p001 The HPNindependent component was similar in the two diet groups Insulin resistance was entirely due to an impairment of the HPNdependent component in both Wistar rats 1643±281 standardfed vs 265±75 sucrosefed mg glucose/kg body weight p00001 and Sprague–Dawley rats 1117±95 vs 353±214 mg glucose/kg body weight p001 Furthermore HPNdependent insulin resistance in Sprague–Dawley rats was already evident after 2 weeks of a highsucrose diet 285±76 2 weeks 353±214 6 weeks 179±54 9 weeks mg glucose/kg body weight and was independent of the nature of sucrose supplementation 123±47 solid and 179±54 liquid mg glucose/kg body weight