Authors: J J Walker D H Brewster H M Colhoun C M Fischbacher G P Leese R S Lindsay J A McKnight S Philip N Sattar D L Stockton S H Wild on behalf of the Scottish Diabetes Research Network SDRN Epidemiology Group
Publish Date: 2013/05/10
Volume: 56, Issue: 8, Pages: 1712-1715
The objective of this study was to use Scottish national data to assess the influence of type 2 diabetes on the risk of cancer at 16 different sites while specifically investigating the role of confounding by socioeconomic status in the diabetes–cancer relationshipAll people in Scotland aged 55–79 years diagnosed with any of the cancers of interest during the period 2001–2007 were identified and classified by the presence/absence of comorbid type 2 diabetes The influence of diabetes on cancer risk for each site was assessed via Poisson regression initially with adjustment for age only then adjusted for both age and socioeconomic statusThere were 4285 incident cancers in people with type 2 diabetes RR for any cancers adjusted for age only was 111 95 CI 105 117 for men and 133 128 140 for women Corresponding values after additional adjustment for socioeconomic status were 110 104 115 and 131 125 138 respectively RRs for individual cancer sites varied markedly