Authors: J M GarcíaMartínez A ChocarroCalvo C M Moya C GarcíaJiménez
Publish Date: 2009/07/07
Volume: 52, Issue: 9, Pages: 1913-1924
Glucosedependent insulinotropic peptide GIP plays a pivotal role in the regulation of glucose homeostasis Rates of dietinduced obesity insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes are decreased when GIP signalling is disturbed in mice suggesting that GIP plays a role in the onset of type 2 diabetes WNT signalling is linked to type 2 diabetes and induces synthesis of the other incretin glucagonlike peptide 1 GLP1 GLP1 analogues improve treatment of type 2 diabetes patients in whom GLP1 signalling is intact and have captured clinical attention GIP levels are altered at the onset of type 2 diabetes and later on while GIP signalling is impaired Thus GIP is not a candidate for treatment but might be an important target from a prevention perspective Hypothesising that hypersecretion of GIP links altered WNT signalling to the onset of type 2 diabetes we sought to determine whether WNT signalling induces GIP production by enteroendocrine cellsLithium or WNT/βcatenin signalling enhanced GIP production by enteroendocrine cells through a conserved site in the proximal Gip promoter Lithium favours lymphoid enhancer factor1/βcatenin binding to Gip promoter and diminishes ChIP through T cell factor4 and histone deacetylase 1