Authors: A D Paterson
Publish Date: 2005/08/13
Volume: 48, Issue: 10, Pages: 2179-2179
First the χ 2 tests provided for association of genotype with type 1 diabetes are incorrect I have recalculated them based on converting the genotype proportions into counts and have analysed them using PROC FREQ in SAS Version 91 for Windows Cary NC USA The correct values and df are as follows Swiss sample χ 2=149 2 df p00001 German sample χ 2=75 2 df p00001Of greatest concern is that the case and control groups for both the Swiss and German study populations deviate significantly from Hardy–Weinberg equilibrium Swiss cases p00005 Swiss control subjects p00001 German cases p005 German control subjects p00001 No Hardy–Weinberg calculations were presented in the paper In the Subjects and methods it is indicated that two different genotyping methods were used to generate the data but it was not stated which individuals were genotyped by which methodsFinally the relative risk calculation for the C/C genotype compared with the other genotypes footnote a to Table 1 is incorrect if it is calculated for either the combined Swiss and German samples or the individual samples The correct analysis for the combined Swiss and German samples produces an odds ratio of 61 95 CI 47–79