Authors: Lianne van Beek Jan B van Klinken Amanda C M Pronk Andrea D van Dam Eline Dirven Patrick C N Rensen Frits Koning Ko Willems van Dijk Vanessa van Harmelen
Publish Date: 2015/05/12
Volume: 58, Issue: 7, Pages: 1601-1609
White adipose tissue WAT consists of various depots with different adipocyte functionality and immune cell composition Knowledge of WATdepotspecific differences in expandability and immune cell influx during the development of obesity is limited therefore we aimed to characterise different WAT depots during the development of obesity in miceGonadal WAT gWAT subcutaneous WAT sWAT and mesenteric WAT mWAT were isolated from male C57Bl/6J mice with different body weights approximately 25–60 g and analysed Linear and nonlinear regression models were used to describe the extent of WAT depot expandability and immune cell composition as a function of body weightWhereas mouse sWAT and mWAT continued to expand with body weight gWAT expanded mainly during the initial phase of body weight gain The expansion diminished after the mice reached a body weight of around 40 g From this point on gWAT crownlike structure formation liver steatosis and insulin resistance occurred Mouse WAT depots showed major differences in immune cell composition gWAT consisted mainly of macrophages whereas sWAT and mWAT primarily contained lymphocytes