Authors: Anna H Price Paul Welsh Christopher J Weir Insa Feinkohl Christine M Robertson Joanne R Morling Stela McLachlan Mark W J Strachan Naveed Sattar Jackie F Price
Publish Date: 2014/09/18
Volume: 57, Issue: 12, Pages: 2505-2512
In the prospective phase of the Edinburgh Type 2 Diabetes Study 1066 men and women aged 60 to 75 years with type 2 diabetes mellitus were followed for 4 years 112 participants had an incident cardiovascular event At baseline cardiovascular risk factors preexisting cardiovascular disease and levels of NTproBNP were evaluatedRaised plasma NTproBNP levels were associated with these classical cardiovascular risk factors increased duration of diabetes use of insulin raised BMI reduced HDLcholesterol reduced renal function and use of lipidlowering and antihypertensive medication all p 005 In the prospective analysis NTproBNP was strongly associated with subsequent risk of all cardiovascular disease events HR per one SD increase in NTproBNP 139 95 CI 110 175 independent of cardiovascular risk factors traditionally used to predict vascular events NTproBNP was also independently associated with incident coronary artery disease events 148 95 CI 110 198 The addition of NTproBNP to multivariate models improved the Cindex by 0019 for the ‘hard’ cardiac endpoint fatal and nonfatal myocardial infarctionIn older people with type 2 diabetes NTproBNP is associated with the development of coronary and cerebrovascular events independent of a wide range of other vascular and metabolic risk factors and may prove a useful addition to current vascular risk scores in diabetes populations