Authors: M Löndahl P Katzman C Hammarlund A Nilsson M LandinOlsson
Publish Date: 2010/10/19
Volume: 54, Issue: 1, Pages: 65-68
The randomised doubleblind placebocontrolled Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy HBOT in Diabetic Patients with Chronic Foot Ulcers HODFU study showed beneficial effect of HBOT As this treatment is expensive and timeconsuming being able to select patients for therapy would be very useful The aim of this study was to evaluate whether circulatory variables could help in predicting outcome of HBOTAll HODFU study participants who completed therapy predefined as receiving at least 36 out of 40 scheduled HBOT/placebo sessions were included in this study n = 75 Baseline transcutaneous oximetry TcPO2 toe blood pressure TBP and ankle–brachial index ABI were measured Ulcer healing rate was registered at the 9month followup visit An ulcer was considered healed when it was completely epithelialised and remained so at the 12month followupIn the HBOT group TcPO2 were significantly lower for patients whose ulcer did not heal as compared with those whose ulcers healed A significantly increased healing frequency was seen with increasing TcPO2 levels in the HBOT group TcPO2/healing rate 25 mmHg/0 26–50 mmHg/50 51–75 mmHg/73 and 75 mmHg/100 No statistically significant relation between the level of TBP or ABI and healing frequency was seenOur results indicate that TcPO2 in contrast to ABI and TBP correlates to ulcer healing following HBOT We suggest HBOT as a feasible adjunctive treatment modality in diabetic patients with chronic nonhealing foot ulcers when basal TcPO2 at the dorsum of the foot is above 25 mmHg