Authors: A P Chobot A Haffke J Polanska Z P Halaba G Deja P JaroszChobot W Pluskiewicz
Publish Date: 2010/05/09
Volume: 53, Issue: 8, Pages: 1754-1760
The aim of the study was to investigate the potential negative impact of type 1 diabetes on bone status of adolescents Bone status in adolescents with type 1 diabetes was assessed by means of quantitative ultrasound QUS and the influence of metabolic control and other diseaserelated and growth variables was analysedGroup I consisted of 99 pubertal Tanner ≥2 adolescents 49 female aged 143 ± 25 years diabetes duration 46 ± 23 years Controls group II were 297 children matched by sex and age from a healthy population The influence of glycated haemoglobin current HbA1cD last year’s mean HbA1cY whole duration mean HbA1cT diabetes duration percentage of life with disease and daily insulin requirement DIR on amplitude dependent speed of sound AdSoS at distal phalanges was studiedIn comparison to the control group adolescents with type 1 diabetes presented significantly higher BMI SDS 082 95 CI 054 110 vs −006 95 CI −016 004 p 0001 and lower AdSoS SDS −034 95 CI −057 −011 vs −003 95 CI −015 008 p 005 No correlation between AdSoS SDS and sex DIR or diabetes duration was observed The lower AdSoS SDS reflects reduced bone status and the reduction was significantly more marked in those patients whose HbA1cT was higher than 70 when compared with those whose HbA1cT was lower