Authors: Lokanathan Srikanth Katari Venkatesh Manne Mudhu Sunitha Pasupuleti Santhosh Kumar Chodimella Chandrasekhar Bhuma Vengamma Potukuchi Venkata Gurunadha Krishna Sarma
Publish Date: 2015/10/16
Volume: 38, Issue: 2, Pages: 237-242
Human CD34+ stem cells differentiated into typeII pneumocytes in Dulbecco’s modified Eagle medium DMEM having hydrocortisone insulin fibroblast growth factor FGF epidermal growth factor EGF and bovine serum albumin BSA expressing surfactant proteinsB SPB and C SPC alkaline phosphatase ALP and lysozymeFACSenumerated pure CD34+ cells isolated from human peripheral blood were cultured in DMEM and showed positive reaction with antihuman CD34 monoclonal antibodies in immunocytochemistry These cells were cultured in DMEM having hydrocortisone insulin FGF EGF and BSA HIFEBD medium having an air–liquid interface They differentiated into typeII pneumocytes with expression of SPB and SPC genes and disappearance of CD34 expression as assessed using realtime PCR In reverse transcriptionPCR amplicons showed 208 and 907 bp confirming SPB and SPC expressions These cells expressed ALP with an activity of 105 ± 009 mM ml−1 min−1 and lysozyme that killed E coliWe sincerely acknowledge Sri Venkateswara Institute of Medical Sciences SVIMS University India for providing funds to carry out the work This paper forms a part of PhD thesis work going to be submitted to SVIMS University Tirupati Andhra Pradesh India