Authors: Stella Siaw Xiu Joan Jee PuiFong Adelene AiLian Song LiYen Chang Khatijah Yusoff Sazaly AbuBakar Raha Abdul Rahim
Publish Date: 2016/01/13
Volume: 38, Issue: 5, Pages: 793-799
Recombinant L lactis strains expressed HA1nisP fusion proteins when induced with nisin as confirmed through western blotting However immunofluorescense did not detect any surfacedisplayed proteins suggesting that the protein was either unsuccessfully translocated or improperly displayed Despite this oral administration of recombinant L lactis strains to BALB/c mice revealed that significant levels of antiHA1 sIgA antibodies were detected in mice fecal suspension samples of mice group NZ9000 pNZHN when compared to the negative control NZ9000 pNZ8048 group