Authors: Tuba Karagülle Ayşe Erden İlhan Erden Güler Zilelioğlu
Publish Date: 2002/02/02
Volume: 12, Issue: 9, Pages: 2343-2348
The aim of this study was to determine the diagnostic accuracy of gadoliniumenhanced threedimensional 3D fast spoiled gradientrecalled FSPGR MR dacryocystography in patients with epiphora Bilateral nasolacrimal systems of 19 patients suspected of having nasolacrimal canal obstruction were evaluated with MR dacryocystography A sterile 09 NaCl solution containing 1100 diluted gadolinium chelate was instilled into the bilateral conjunctival sacs of the patients The 3D FSPGR sequence was used with 10T scanner with the following parameters TR 93 ms TE 2 ms flip angle 20 256×224 matrix 13 or 26cm field of view and 1mm slice thickness Seventeen patients had digital dacryocystography for comparison which we considered standard of reference Thirtyfour nasolacrimal systems were evaluated with MR and digital dacryocystography Discrepancies between the findings of both methods were detected in 2 patients The overall sensitivity of MR in detecting the obstruction was 100 Magnetic resonance helped to determine the canalicular and ductal obstruction in 100 of the patients and the saccular obstruction in 80 of the patients We conclude that 3D FSGR technique for MR dacryocystography is a reliable and noninvasive method in the evaluation of the obstruction level in the lacrimal system in patients with epiphora