Authors: Utaroh Motosugi Tomoaki Ichikawa Licht Tominaga Hironobu Sou Katsuhiro Sano Shintaro Ichikawa Tsutomu Araki
Publish Date: 2009/05/27
Volume: 19, Issue: 11, Pages: 2623-
Aim To examine if it is possible to shorten the examination time of gadolinium ethoxybenzyl diethylenetriaminepentaacetic acid GdEOBenhanced MRI by omitting hepatocytephase images of 20min delay time Im20 for detecting focal liver lesions Materials and methods Four hundred ninetyfive malignant focal liver lesions observed on Im20 in 265 patients were included The hepatocyte phase was obtained 10 min Im10 and 20 min Im20 after GdEOB injection Liver enhancement was evaluated using a 4point scale excellent/good/poor/nondiagnostic visual liverspleen contrast VLSC and a quantitative liver–spleen contrast ratio QLSC Two radiologists evaluated lesion conspicuity for assessing the sensitivity of lesion detection As Im20 was used as the standard of reference for the lesions Im20 artificially had 100 sensitivity Results The results showed that although sensitivities and QLSC significantly increased from Im10 to Im20 sensitivity/mean QLSC Im5 81/14 Im10 96/17 Im20 100/19 the sensitivity of Im10 achieved 100 the same as Im20 in patients with good/excellent VLSC or QLSC of more than 15 On Im10 202 patients 77 were assigned as having good/excellent VLSC 78 and 161 61 were assigned as having QLSC of more than 15 Conclusion We concluded that Im20 can be omitted in at least 61 of the patients