Authors: Byung Kwan Park Bohyun Kim Kyungran Ko Sun Young Jeong Ghee Young Kwon
Publish Date: 2005/11/24
Volume: 16, Issue: 3, Pages: 642-647
Our study included 91 adrenal masses in 83 patients histopathological diagnoses were 45 adenomas 31 pheochromocytomas 6 hyperplasias 4 metastasis and 5 miscellaneous lesions Unenhanced CT in 46 patients and unenhanced and delayed contrastenhanced DCE CT in 37 patients were retrospectively reviewed to examine the correlation between CT findings and those on pathological examination and to obtain diagnostic accuracySensitivity specificity and accuracy for adenoma were 40 18/45 91 42/46 and 66 60/91 with unenhanced CT and 96 24/25 61 11/18 and 81 35/43 with DCE CT Adrenal masses falsely diagnosed as adenoma on unenhanced CT included three hyperplasias and one endothelial cyst and those falsely diagnosed as adenoma on DCE CT were five pheochromocytomas one oncocytic coritical tumor and one primary pigmented nodular adrenocortical dysplasia Twentyfive lipidpoor adenomas were falsely diagnosed as nonadenomas on unenhanced CT and one degenerated adenoma both on unenhanced CT and on DCE CT