Authors: JunMei Xu XiaoHong Xu HuiXiong Xu YiFeng Zhang LeHang Guo LinNa Liu Chang Liu XiaoWan Bo Shen Qu Mingzhao Xing XiaoLong Li
Publish Date: 2015/11/11
Volume: 26, Issue: 8, Pages: 2611-2622
A consecutive series of 203 patients with 222 PTCs were preoperatively evaluated by US SE and ARFI including virtual touch tissue imaging VTI and virtual touch tissue quantification VTQ A multivariate analysis was performed to predict CLNM by 22 independent variables Receiver operating characteristic ROC curve analysis was used to evaluate the diagnostic performanceMultivariate analysis demonstrated that VTI area ratio VAR 1 was the best predictor for CLNM followed by abnormal cervical lymph node ACLN capsule contact microcalcification capsule involvement and multiple nodules all P 005 ROC analyses of these characteristics showed the areas under the curve Az sensitivity and specificity were 0600–0630 477 –932 and 269 –784 for US respectively and they were 0784 830 and 739 respectively for VAR 1 As combination of US characteristics with and without VAR the Az sensitivity and specificity were 0803 and 0556 830 and 1000 and 776 and 112 respectively P 0001