Authors: Maria Assunta Cova Fulvio Stacul Roberto Quaranta Pierpaolo Guastalla Guglielmo Salvatori Giuseppe Banderali Claudio Fonda Vincenzo David Massimo Gregori Antonio Alberto Zuppa Riccardo Davanzo
Publish Date: 2014/05/17
Volume: 24, Issue: 8, Pages: 2012-2022
Breastfeeding is a wellrecognised investment in the health of the motherinfant dyad Nevertheless many professionals still advise breastfeeding mothers to temporarily discontinue breastfeeding after contrast media imaging Therefore we performed this review to provide health professionals with basic knowledge and skills for appropriate use of contrast mediaA joint working group of the Italian Society of Radiology SIRM Italian Society of Paediatrics SIP Italian Society of Neonatology SIN and Task Force on Breastfeeding Ministry of Health Italy prepared a review of the relevant medical literature on the safety profile of contrast media for the nursing infant/childBreastfeeding is safe for the nursing infant of any postconceptional age after administration of the majority of radiological contrast media to the mother only gadoliniumbased agents considered at high risk of nephrogenic systemic fibrosis gadopentetate dimeglumine gadodiamide gadoversetamide should be avoided in the breastfeeding woman as a precaution there is no need to temporarily discontinue breastfeeding or to express and discard breast milk following the administration of contrast media assessed as compatible with breastfeeding