Authors: Olivier Seror Matthieu LepetitCoiffé Bruno Quesson Hervé Trillaud Chrit T W Moonen
Publish Date: 2006/04/11
Volume: 16, Issue: 10, Pages: 2265-2274
We evaluated the feasibility and accuracy of realtime magnetic resonance MR thermometry for monitoring radiofrequency RF ablation in the liver Continuous MR temperature mapping was used to monitor bipolar RF ablations performed in ex vivo livers with and without flow using two parallel electrodes Macroscopic inspection of ablation zones was compared with thermal dose maps TDm and T1weighted inversion recovery turbo spin echo IRTSE images for their size and shape and the influence of flow Pearson’s correlation r Bland and Altman tests and kappa χK tests were performed The mean differences in ablation zone size between macroscopic and TDm and IRTSE measurements were +4 mm and −2 mm respectively TDm was well correlated with macroscopy r=077 versus r=044 for IRTSE TDm was found to be more precise for shape recognition χK=073 versus χK=055 for IRTSE and for detection of an intact ring of liver due to the cooling effect of flow which was impossible with IRTSE Simultaneous monitoring of RF ablation by MR thermometry is feasible and reliable for predicting the shape of ablation zones and the impact of the heatsink effect of flow Further studies are needed to confirm these results in vivo