Authors: Roberto Miraglia Roberta Gerasia Luigi Maruzzelli Mario D’Amico Angelo Luca
Publish Date: 2016/08/25
Volume: 27, Issue: 5, Pages: 1783-1786
Between 8/2015 and 6/2016 45 consecutive TIPS were performed in adult patients using a flatpanel detectorbased system FPDS and realtime ultrasound guidance USG for portal vein targeting Electronic personal dosimeters were used to measure radiation doses to the primary and assistant operators anaesthesia nurse and radiographer Patients’ radiation exposure was measured with dose area product DAP fluoroscopy time FT was also collectedMean E for the primary operator was 140 μSv SD 268 median 042 range 012 – 1218 for the assistant operator was 129 μSv SD 179 median 040 range 010 – 489 for the anaesthesia nurse was 021 μSv SD 067 median 010 range 003 – 399 for the radiographer was 042 μSv SD 071 median 025 range 003 – 267 Mean patient DAP was 5931 GyCm2 SD 5691 median 3158 range 766 – 28140 mean FT was 1020 min SD 740 median 1040 range 38 – 318