Authors: JeanChristophe Lasalarie JeanMichel Serfaty Christophe Carre David MessikaZeitoun Christophe Jeannot Elisabeth SchoumanClaeys JeanPierre Laissy
Publish Date: 2007/05/08
Volume: 17, Issue: 11, Pages: 2838-2844
The accuracy of contrastenhanced cine magnetic resonance cineMR imaging to determine left ventricular function was assessed by comparison with the established noncontrast cineMR sequences Contrastenhanced balanced steadystate free precession cineSSFP sequences were compared with precontrast cineSSFP sequences in the assessment of left ventricular contractile function in 30 consecutive patients with various cardiac diseases Five to eight shortaxis image sections were obtained in each patient Quantitative data were analyzed using a paired ttest and linear regression analysis Qualitative assessment of images was made following a 16segment analysis There was no significant difference between the two sequences in regional wall motion enddiastolic volumes EDV and endsystolic volumes ESV stroke volume left ventricular mass as well as left ventricular ejection fraction LVEF despite slight delayed subendocardial enhancement in ten patients with myocardial infarction All the values studied above were closely correlated between both cineSSFP sequences Spearman r=085–097 P00001 for all comparisons Contrastenhanced cineSSFP sequences can be used as a similar diagnostic tool as precontrast cineMR sequences in the assessment of left ventricular contractile function