Authors: Gorka Bastarrika Jordi Broncano María Arraiza Pedro M Azcárate Isabel SimonYarza Beltrán G Levy Praschker Jesús C Pueyo José L Zubieta Gregorio Rabago
Publish Date: 2011/04/12
Volume: 21, Issue: 9, Pages: 1887-1894
47 consecutive OHT recipients 40 men mean age 621±109 years mean heart rate 863±144 bpm underwent dualsource CTA to rule out coronary allograft vasculopathy in a prospectively ECGtriggered mode with data acquisition during 35 to 45 of the cardiac cycle Two independent observers blindly assessed image quality on a persegment and pervessel basis using a fourpoint scale 1excellent 4not evaluable Scores 1–3 were considered acceptable for diagnosis Multivariate analysis was performed to evaluate differences between image quality scores obtained at different reconstruction intervals Effective radiation doses were calculated671 coronary segments were evaluated Interobserver agreement on the image quality was κ=075 Diagnostic image quality was observed in 939 955 and 933 of the segments at 35 40 and 45 reconstruction intervals Mean image quality score was 15±07 for the entire coronary tree 14±07 for the RCA 16±08 for the LCA and 16±07 for the Cx at the best reconstruction interval Estimated mean radiation dose was 45±12 mSv