Authors: Andreas Boss Juergen F Schaefer Petros Martirosian HansWalter Hacker Kassa Darge Claus D Claussen Klaus Küper Fritz Schick HeinzPeter Schlemmer
Publish Date: 2006/04/22
Volume: 16, Issue: 7, Pages: 1509-1518
The purpose of this work was to test the feasibility of an MR examination protocol for the comprehensive assessment of renal morphology excretion and split renal function using a navigatorgated TurboFLASH sequence A navigatorgated T1weighted singleslice TurboFLASH sequence suitable for dynamic MR urography and nephrography was implemented A protocol was developed allowing for assessment of urinary excretion and split renal function by recording the renal clearance of a gadolinium Gd diethylenetriaminepentaceticacid DTPA bolus Ten patients aged between 14 months and 14 years mean age 48±46 years were evaluated with the following indications pelvicalyceal dilatation n=4 followup after pyeloplasty n=1 duplex systems n=3 large renal cyst n=1 and renal insufficiency n=1 Dynamic MR urography and MR split renal function were compared to MAG3 scintigraphy Evaluation of morphology excretion and function required 50–60 minutes examination time plus 10 minutes for postprocessing The TurboFLASH sequence yielded image acquisition at nearly identical diaphragm positions allowing for accurate regionofinterest evaluation within the renal parenchyma and the urinary passage Static and dynamic MR urography showed the morphology of the urinary tract and excretion with sufficient diagnostic imaging quality and the results were in diagnostic compliance with scintigraphy MRI and scintigraphy yielded similar results for split renal function with a correlation coefficient of R=0968 determined by linear regression Our conclusions were that the method is robust easy to perform on a clinical 15 T MRI system rapid to evaluate and postprocess and therefore easy to incorporate into clinical routine Compared to scintigraphy the higher spatial resolution of the MR examination provides additional important information improving the management of the pediatric patients without the application of radioactive tracers