Authors: R Saat G Mahmood A LaulajainenHongisto L Lempinen A A Aarnisalo J Jero A Markkola
Publish Date: 2015/11/25
Volume: 26, Issue: 8, Pages: 2632-2639
MR images of 35 adult and paediatric patients with clinical acute mastoiditis and 34 consecutive agematched controls without relevant middle ear pathology and with incidental T2hyperintensity that covered ≥ 50 of the mastoid were retrospectively analysed with regard to signal diffusion and enhancement characteristics and presence of complicationsIncidental mastoid T2hyperintensity that covered ≥ 50 of the mastoid volume was found in 46 of reviewed MR scans n = 2341 and associated significantly p 005 less with the involvement of the tympanic cavity 38 vs 74 and mastoid antrum 56 vs 80 hypointensetoCSF signal intensity on T2 FSE 6 vs 86 intramastoid diffusion restriction 0 vs 62 intense intramastoid enhancement 0 vs 51 periosteal enhancement 3 vs 69 perimastoid dural enhancement 3 vs 43 bone destruction 0 vs 49 intratemporal abscess or cholesteatoma 0 vs 24 labyrinth involvement 0 vs 14 and extracranial abscesses 0 vs 20