Authors: Ali Saramat Eric S Toberer Andrew F May G Jeffery Snyder
Publish Date: 2009/01/19
Volume: 38, Issue: 7, Pages: 1423-1426
Polycrystalline Ba8Ga x Ge46−x exhibits promising thermoelectric performance with the figure of merit ZT close to that of single crystals Polycrystalline Ba8Ga x Ge46−x is promising for applications but reproducibility and thermal stability of thermoelectric properties need to be demonstrated Polycrystalline samples of Ba8+dGa x Ge46−x type clathrates 150 ≤ x ≤ 168 with varied nominal Ga content and d = 0 or 02 were prepared by direct reaction of the elements followed by ball milling and hot pressing Trace Ge impurity was observed 10 wt depending on the synthesis method The electrical resistivity was stable in measurements up to 1000 K regardless of Ge impurity However measurements to 1050 K resulted in irreversible increase in carrier concentration while the carrier mobility remained unchanged