Authors: A Chandolu D Y Song M E Holtz I Gherasoiu S A Nikishin A Bernussi M W Holtz
Publish Date: 2009/01/09
Volume: 38, Issue: 4, Pages: 557-562
We report studies of InN grown by plasmaassisted molecular beam epitaxy GaN templates were first grown on sapphire substrates followed by InN overgrown at 457°C to 487°C Atomic force microscopy shows the best layers to exhibit stepflow growth mode of the InN with a rootmeansquare roughness of 07 nm for the 2 μm × 2 μm scan and 14 nm for the 5 μm × 5 μm scan␣Measurements of the terrace edges indicate a step height of 028 nm Hall measurements at room temperature give mobilities ranging from 1024 cm2/V s to 1904 cm2/V s and the electron concentrations are in the range of 59 × 1017 cm−3 to 42 × 1018 cm−3 Symmetric and asymmetric reflection xray diffraction measurements were performed to obtain lattice constants a␣and c The corresponding hydrostatic and biaxial stresses are found to range from −008 GPa to −029 GPa and −005 GPa to −032 GPa respectively Lowtemperature photoluminescence peak energies range from 067 eV to 070 eV depending on residual biaxial stress hydrostatic pressure and electron concentrations The electron concentration dependence of the estimated Fermi level is analyzed using Kane’s twoband model and conductionband renormalization effects