Authors: Jiaxing Liang Haozhe Wang Anmin Hu Ming Li
Publish Date: 2014/07/25
Volume: 43, Issue: 11, Pages: 4119-4125
Growth of intermetallic compounds IMC at the interface of Sn–20Ag–25Zn solder joints with Cu Ni and Ni–W substrates have been investigated For the Cu substrate a Cu5Zn8 IMC layer with Ag3Sn particles on top was observed at the interface this acted as a barrier layer preventing further growth of Cu–Sn IMC For the Ni substrate a thin Ni3Sn4 film was observed between the solder and the Ni layer the thickness of the film increased slowly and steadily with aging For the Ni–W substrate a thin Ni3Sn4 film was observed between the solder and Ni–W layer During the aging process a thin layer of the Ni–W substrate was transformed into a bright layer and the thickness of bright layer increased with aging