Authors: Wan Ho Song Chunjin Hang Andrew Pequegnat Michael Mayer Norman Y Zhou YoungKyu Song John Persic
Publish Date: 2009/04/03
Volume: 38, Issue: 6, Pages: 834-842
Two types A and B of 25μmdiameter bare Au bonding wire and their corresponding insulated wire were used to produce 50μmdiameter freeair balls FABs for heataffected zone HAZ and FAB deformability analyses Insulated wires showed no significant difference in HAZ length compared with bare wire for type A while their difference lay in the range of 4 to 12 longer for type B The HAZ breaking load of bare wire is 03 to 18 smaller than that of insulated wire for type A and not significantly different for type B even though the HAZ length is shown to be larger for insulated wire B The deformability of the FAB from insulated wires is 10 to 21 smaller than that from bare wires for type A and 21 to 34 larger for type B