Authors: Edyta JuszczukKubiak Joanna WyszyńskaKoko Krystyna Wicińska Stanisław Rosochacki
Publish Date: 2007/01/09
Volume: 35, Issue: 1, Pages: 29-35
Calpastatin CAST is a specific inhibitor of the ubiquitous calciumdependent proteases—μcalpain and mcalpain found in mammalian tissues This proteolytic system plays a key role in the tenderization process that occurs during postmortem storage of meat under refrigerated conditioning Fragments of the bovine CAST gene including intron 12 were amplified and subjected to SSCP analysis Four new SNPs were found within intron 12 of the CAST gene a transition T/C at position 3893+155 A/G at position 3893+163 a transversion T/A at position 3893+223 and a substitution A/G at position 3893+428 consensus sequence—GenBank AY834771 The genetic variants in the bovine CAST gene can be analyzed with RFLP method and was studied in 375 bulls of six breeds including Hereford Aberdeenangus Simmental Charolaise Limousine and Polish BlackandWhite BW Fresian breeds